Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements
- Information
- Ingredients / Directions
- Further Reading
- Health Uses
Full spectrum salts provide your body with a complex mixture of the minerals & trace elements found in seawater - these harmonise with the bodies cells & internal fluids to support good health
An effective way to hydrate your body
Supports your nutritional programme
Can help to normalise blood pressure
Help to balance mood & energy
Any improvement in metabolism or vitality induced by nutritional or energy therapy draws upon and uses up full spectrum salts in the body, so we recommend the inclusion of full spectrum salts in EVERY supplementation regime
Propaganda leads us to believe salt is better to avoid, but not all salts are the same. Modern refined salt has no nutritional benefits and is difficult for the body to utilise, on the other hand, full spectrum salts make an important contribution to health and well being.
Magnesium 84mg
Chloride 770mg
Sodium 540mg,
Sulphate 126mg,
Potassium 66mg
Bromine 1mg
Lithium 0.2mg
Boron 0.03mg
Plus trace amounts of all the other minerals found in sea water, approximately 90 in all.
Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements
December 2016 Update (Summary)
For the complete update notes (not an organised article) please see here
In order to thrive the body needs an actual input of unrefined salt.
By using Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements in the correct way health is boosted, along with normalisation of the internal terrain, normalising the pH of all of the body's fluids and balancing excess acid or alkalinity; helping to establish and maintain correct electrical cell potentials. A fundamental and simple way to support overall physiology and a major antidote to the establishment of almost all chronic disease including cancer and autoimmune diseases.
Correct cell pH and mineral balance and sufficiency is the bottom line in health preservation.
It is the full and extremely complex synergy of the mineral matrix that produces the effect of normalising our physiology. The magnesium content of Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements is high enough so that when 10 ml a day is consumed magnesium deficiency is resolved. The great benefits of magnesium's multiple actions are enhanced by its synergistic effects with all the other minerals present.
We consider taking magnesium in this form is, in the long term, superior to taking magnesium removed from sea water or other forms of magnesium as isolates.
Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements may be used instead of salt on food and more specifically in drinks or taken diluted in water.
Take up to 5-20 ml daily. For those who have been on a very low salt diet it may be best to start at about 6 ml daily and build up the amount over a period of a few weeks.
How to Take Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements for general supplementation
1/ Add to food instead of salt to taste.
2/ Add to drinks such as vegetable or fruit juices, smoothies or tea/coffee.
Specific Ways to use Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements for therapeutic action
Dilute to 1/30th strength. Divide this into 3 or 4 doses daily. If you have trouble sleeping and wake in the night often drinking some isotonic will aid sleep. A single 150 ml Isotonic (5ml Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements) may also be drunk at anytime, for example to aid sleep or quickly move the body back into balance if regular usage has been missed or if feeling stressed or out of balance.
Dilute to 1/10th strength. A more powerful method to Improve physiology including strengthening the immune and repair systems and even overcoming infections, being 3 times the concentration of extracellular fluid. Use 10 ml of this hypertonic dilution a few times a day (3 or 4 times or up to 6 times in serious conditions such as cancer therapy support and acute infections).
Sea water has been used historically as a therapy for a whole range of diseases including hard to treat infections such as tuberculosis. It can be used as a sole therapy or part of a therapeutic regime for almost all conditions. Usually Hypertonic is used but in some cases, to make the therapy more gentle, Isotonic is used at first.
Usage guide (Hypertonic) - at least 30 minutes before food or drinks or at least 2 hours after
Contra-indications of Hypertonic Suitable for all except those who suffer from high blood pressure, a heart condition, kidney disease, eczema or psoriasis. In such cases Isotonic should be employed for several weeks and then once adapted, switched over to Hypertonic.
The Solution may be taken on a short term basis, over several weeks or months, or regularly year round, according to individual requirements. Considered by traditional medicine an energy-boosting, re-balancing and regenerating nutritional supplement.
For general use, in food and drinks Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements is ideally taken on a permanent basis.
A 250ml bottle of Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements is equivalent to 2,500 ml ocean water/Hypertonic or 7,500 ml of Isotonic solution. |
Full spectrum salts from the Great Salt Lake in Utah provide a complex mixture of many salts, minerals and trace elements found in seawater; these harmonise with the body's cells and internal fluids to support good health. Each batch is analysed for contaminants and heavy metals and is not released unless the strict specification is met.
Propaganda leads us to believe salt is better to avoid, but not all salts are the same. Modern refined salt has no nutritional benefits and is difficult for the body to utilise, on the other hand, full spectrum salts make an important contribution to health and well being.
The availability of quality salt has been linked to the mental and physical health of whole populations, as discussed in the excellent book: Sea Salt's Hidden Powers by Jacques de Langre Ph.D. (Amazon UK link)
Health Benefits of Full Spectrum Salts
Help to Normalise Blood Pressure
Jacques de Langre Phd. studied the effect of Celtic Sea Salt on his patients over a 35 year period, finding it to be the best treatment for high blood pressure. There are other factors involved in blood pressure abnormalities - lack of a range of nutrients, including anti-oxidants/bioflavenoids and vitamin C leading to fragility of the arterial walls. Deposition of hardened fats is partly a defence to stop the arteries tearing or rupturing. Cholesterol levels in the diet and in the blood are not a cause of hardening of the arteries, low fat diets do not work, are unnatural and will cause further health problems. Please read the full article for an in depth discussion of the benefits of Celtic Sea Salt. For full therapeutic results we recommend the Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements in conjunction with Celtic Ocean Sea Salt which is superb on food and in cooking.
Balance Energy, Mood and Mentality
Many people report that daily use of seawater helps with energy balance. Those who are hyperactive or stressed tend to move towards normalisation, those low in energy, especially if depressed, tend to normalise also. In many, the use of Ionic Liquid Minerals & Trace Elements has been curative of depression.
Manic states can also be normalised. This is partly explained by the calming elements of the magnesium, lithium and bromine found in sea water. All natural elements found in sea water are non-toxic.
Any improvement in metabolism or vitality induced by nutritional or energy therapy draws upon and uses up full spectrum salts in the body, so we recommend the inclusion of full spectrum salts in EVERY supplementation regime
Full spectrum salts are essential for hydration. Without full spectrum salts the cells cannot pull in sufficient water, leaving them dehydrated and interfering with all biochemical processes. Also, the electrical potential between the inside and outside of the cell becomes unbalanced. Lack of full spectrum salts can cause fluid retention outside the cells. Any fluid imbalance and/or electrical potential imbalance can lead to a whole host of health problems, beginning with sleep disorders and disruptions of mood, mentality and energy. In the long term it can even lead to the failure of glands and organs.
The "Internal Sea"
Every cell in our body is bathed in a clear fluid called extracellular fluid. It is similar to sweat and is salty, the adult body has approximately 22 pints of this fluid. The amniotic fluid that surrounds the foetus in the womb is of similar composition. The closest fluid to this, found in nature, is sea water. This takes on further meaning when we consider that the life forms we evolved from were single celled, sea creatures.
Evolution tried to fulfil the need to constantly replenish the internal sea by synthesising extracellular fluid from food and water consumed. Strong evidence indicates that animals and humans have not evolved sufficiently to convert from food, sufficient quality or quantity of salts for optimal health. For example, grazing animals, with a diet of rich sources of vegetation and grasses, need to supplement their diet with salt deposits; in Africa many are killed in the process as the carnivores lie in wait for grazing animals to take their fill of rock salt at specific locations.
Dietary and Usage Guidelines
15ml (3 medicinal teaspoons) in a pint of water daily, provides approximately 3g of 'good salt' in balance with all the other minerals and trace elements as found in sea water and our extracellular fluid. 3g is the total amount of salt generally recommended by those who have studied the useful role of salt. In practice, over several years of research, we have found that the amount to produce the best results varies from 1 to 3 teaspoons in water daily. Experiment to find your needs. If in doubt try 10ml in a pint of water daily to start.
Refined table salt can be toxic to the body, and also to a lesser extent - sea and rock salt. Ironically many of us are in need of salt, but the only forms we regularly consume, or know about are corrupt forms of the 'salt of life'. From this corruption of the widely available and used salts comes the inaccurate and confusing propaganda, from official 'government' sources as well as the health food industry, that salt is bad for us. This helps spread more sickness. Various low sodium salts have been released to offset the 'bad' sodium (sodium is the main mineral in the extracellular fluid)
Whatever method of healthy eating and supplemental regime one adopts full spectrum salts are still essential to complete the electrical circuits and the balance of fluids and minerals in the body. Some have a greater need for salt for constitutional or genetic reasons. Research has ascertained that some, including most with chronic fatigue, loose excess salt via the urine. This has been traced to a weakness or imbalance in the adrenal glands and hypothalamus. Almost all will benefit from supplementing with full spectrum salts, preferably sea water concentrate, but some individuals have special needs due to poor retention of salt.
Other "Great Lake" Minerals
- Aches (Rheumatic)
- Adrenal Problems
- Alertness
- ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
- Anxiety
- Arrhythmia
- Arterial Disease
- Arteriosclerosis
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder Natural Solutions For
- Bleeding Gums
- Blood Pressure (High)
- Blood Pressure (Low)
- Circulation (Poor)
- Cluster Headaches
- Cramps
- Depression
- Diabetes (Type 2)
- Drowsiness
- Dry eyes
- Electrolyte Balance
- Epilepsy
- Fatigue
- Fluid Retention
- Glaucoma
- Gout
- Headaches
- High Blood Pressure
- Hypertension
- Insomnia
- Leukaemia
- Leukopenia
- Low Blood Pressure
- Lymphoma
- Manic Depression
- Mental Illness
- Motor Neurone Disease
- Multiple Sclerosis (+MCS,ME,ALS,MND,CFS)
- Myasthenia Gravis
- Panic Attacks
- Pleurisy
- Post Viral Syndrome
- Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)
- Stress
- Stroke Prevention & Recovery
- Tension
- Water Retention