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Core Regime Essentials
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Core Regime Essentials
Core Regime Essentials
Updated February 2014
We strive to bring you the most effective remedies to resolve your health problems in the simplest supplemental regime possible. We aim to treat the actual root causes of health problems holistically rather than supply remedies that will give temporary or partial relief from only the symptoms.
We aim to address the actual root causes of health problems holistically. This has been our mission since the founding of Regenerative Nutrition in 1994
As we uncover more fundamental truths about the cause, and therefore the relief, of diseases and health problems we update and revise our product range and recommendations. These are usually incorporated into our
Core Regime.
Click below to view the Core Regime Essentials in the online store
For those of you that do not follow the full core regime we list here
Core Regime Essentials – 7 foundation supplements to enable and potentate the recommended remedies for resolving specific health conditions as detailed in our
A-Z of health disorders. In this list we detail targeted remedy recommendations for hundreds of conditions, but to achieve overall good health and long term resolution of your health problem these remedies must be combined with the Core Regime Essentials for the best results.
In certain cultures virtually all disease is non-existent, even though the lifestyle and habits of the people are not perfect. Leading researchers in the natural health movement now understand that all disease is unnatural and only resultant from nutritional deficiencies. These deficiencies include, but are not limited to:-
Lack of minerals and trace-elements in the soil
Environmental and direct toxicity
Consumption of processed foods (resulting in lowered organ, immune and glandular function)
Supplying the correct nutrients in sufficient quantities, and clearing chronic toxicity and infections is the basis of restoring the body to health, no matter what the severity or name of the disease (and there are thousands of named diseases).
The Core Regime Essentials
Unrefined Salt. See the article
Celtic Ocean Sea Salt to understand why unrefined salt is so important and not the devil you my have thought it was.
Ionic Liquid Minerals and Trace Elements provide an even more balanced mix of minerals. These are especially useful if you do not add sufficient salt to your cooking and food.
Iodine - Lugol's Solution at the appropriate dose can replace (or work to potentiate) the other natural anti-sceptics that are mentioned in the health conditions articles such as Colloidal Silver, Olive Leaf Extract and Alka-Vita. However the benefits are not limited to its anti-septic roles. Iodine works in such a fundamental way to regulate healthy functioning, its non anti-septic roles are considered essential. To read the full article click
Sodium Ascorbate with Acerola Cherry Extract and Wild Rosehip (High Potency Vitamin C Powder) taken at a level of 1g to 2g daily is considered a foundation supplement. This is due to a genetic defect we suffer from where we cannot manufacture Vitamin C in our body like most other mammals. This has been identified as one of the main causes of major disease such as heart and circulatory disease. Vitamin C further supports detoxification, immune system regulation and tissue integrity. To read more click
Zell Immunocomplex is a liquid 'live' cell, food state nutritional complex that offers all round protection. Beyond this protection, the respiratory enzymes (of which Q10 is only one) normalise cell respiration. This is an essential process for overcoming disease and reaching the full potential of your health. This product contains many potent anti-oxidants, immune system boosting nutrients (such as beta glucans), the full spectrum of food sate B vitamins and complimentary amounts of food state selenium, chromium and zinc. It works synergistically with Iodine to normalise metabolism and regulate the immune system. Full article
Vitamin D3 2000IU is often over-looked. Vitamin D is an important hormone like substance that is manufactured in the skin in response to sunlight exposure. Failure to obtain a least a few minutes a day of direct sunlight exposure on the skin will result in a deficiency of Vitamin D. The Sun will not be high enough in the sky to enable UVB rays to get through to generate Vitamin D in the skin for many months a year in northern climates such as Northern Europe (including the UK) and North America. Vitamin D deficiency has now been linked to a multiple array of diseases and a greatly increased incidence of cancer. These diseases include arthritis, muscle weakness, multiple sclerosis, and other auto-immune disorders. Studies have now indicated that mortality from all causes is significantly increased in Vitamin D deficient individuals. This is not surprising when one considers the multitude of biochemical reactions that cannot complete without Vitamin D. Even the failure to integrate calcium and magnesium has been established to be resultant from Vitamin D deficiency. This deficiency has far reaching implications for getting the health right. For a full discussion of Vitamin D and the correct dose click
MSM Sulphur exists in many forms in nature. Attracting most attention is MSM Powder - a form of organic sulphur that is widely deficient in our diet. Sulphur is a mineral essential to life, it helps to form the protein structure of the body and is crucial for many metabolic processes. It is only by eating mainly a raw diet that we can obtain enough MSM to meet our bodily requirements. This popular supplement is a convenient way to provide for your body's needs if not following a raw diet. Low MSM levels may result in adverse psychological and physical stress, tissue and organ malfunction, fatigue and increased susceptibility to disease. MSM’s main actions can be understood as aiding the transportation of water, oxygen and nutrients across cell membranes. This allows detoxification, oxygenation repair and has an anti-allergy effect. In our opinion it should be regarded as nearly as important as vitamin C and should be taken with vitamin C every day. Read more
Magnesium is one of the key minerals for regeneration; it is used in over 350 enzymatic reactions in the body, more than any other mineral. Next to Oxygen & Iodine, Magnesium is the third most important element for sustaining life as well as reversing disease and aging. It is estimated that 80% of the population of western countries are is magnesium deficient. Magnesium is the calming mineral for relaxing muscles, relaxing arteries and calming nerves, whereas Calcium contracts muscles. Nutritionist Thomas Steinmetz found that Magnesium deficiency is the cause of death from sudden heart attacks in 8 million people in the U.S. from 1940-1994. Magnesium is rapidly used by the adrenal glands in times of stress. Magnesium maintains proper electrical potential (voltage) across nerve and muscle membrane and increases white blood cells ability to fight infection by 300%. The body does not hold onto Magnesium like it does Calcium. Magnesium is excreted as a result of high stress, sugar intake, alcohol, caffeine, diarrhea, high protein and fruits. Read about Mag Sea Pure, our remedy of choice for resolution of deficiency,
May 2015 - Important addendum to this protocol - The addition of DMG
Why DMG?
DMG is truly an astounding nutritional supplement that I find myself recommending to everyone. I am sorry that I had not looked into DMG before, even though I took some briefly in the 1980's.
The reason I recommended it for everyone is that it tends to bring the whole system in to balance, so reducing the manifestation of diseases and health issues. Further, it adds a robustness to the system enabling it to cope with stresses of many types. An example of its incredible ability is that it is an extremely effective normaliser of the immune system; on the one hand boosting its efficiency and ability to keep disease at bay whilst at the same time reducing or eliminating auto-immune issues and tendency to inflammation.
These actions are achieved by significantly improving cell to cell communication and filling in gaps in the body's biochemistry (via methyl donation). Combined with its action of buffering stress as an extremely effective adaptogen, it can be useful even for those with adrenal fatigue and/or delicate health who struggle to find a therapy they can adapt to.
Many supplements have broad acting benefits, but the percentage of those using the supplement achieving significant boosts to their health is always limited by the body's ability to adapt and utilise it. DMG is not like those supplements, in as much as everybody should benefit from it's use. It is a stand out remedy in the advanced nutritional healing field, and personally I believe it should be included in any health nutritional program sooner or later. |
John Claydon - Founder of Regenerative Nutrition

DMG produces a wide range of beneficial biological effects on the body including...
- increased energy levels
- improved neurological function and mental clarity
- better physical performance
- improved sexual function
- better cardiovascular health
- vastly improved immune system function, whilst inhibiting immune system response
- better cholesterol, blood glucose and hormone levels
Research has found that DMG can enable one to function at improved mental and physical levels whilst simultaneously helping with the resolution of many diseases and health conditions.
September 2017 - Important addendum to this protocol - The addition of Vitamin K2
Why Vitamin K2?
Most people have never heard of Vitamin K2. This vitamin is rare in the Western diet and hasn't received much mainstream attention. However... this powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of health. In fact, vitamin K2 may just be the "missing link" between diet and several killer diseases.
Calcium is an incredibly important mineral. It is more than just building material for bones and teeth, it plays a crucial role in all kinds of biological processes. The main function of Vitamin K is modifying proteins to give them the ability to bind calcium. In this way, it "activates" the calcium-binding properties of proteins. Vitamin K2 is used to activate proteins that regulate where calcium ends up in the body. Calcium build-up in the arteries around the heart is a huge risk factor for heart disease. For this reason, anything that can reduce this accumulation of calcium may help prevent heart disease. This is where vitamin K2 is believed to help, by helping to prevent calcium from being deposited in the arteries. A clinical study ****** showed that those who had the highest intake of Vitamin K2 were 52% less likely to develop calcification of the arteries, and had a 57% lower risk of dying from heart disease, over a 7-10 year period. More long-term controlled trials on K2 and heart disease are needed but there is a highly plausible biological mechanism for its effectiveness, and strong correlations found in observational studies. The importance of this can not be overstated... cardiovascular disease is the world's most common cause of death. It killed 14 million people in the year 2012 alone. A higher intake of vitamin K2 is strongly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.
Osteoporosis ("porous" bones) is a common problem in Western countries. It is especially common among elderly women and strongly raises the risk of fractures. As previously mentioned, Vitamin K2 plays a central role in calcium metabolism, the main mineral found in bones. Vitamin K2 activates the calcium-binding activity of two proteins called Matrix gla protein and osteocalcin, which help to build and maintain bones. There is considerable evidence from controlled trials that K2 has major benefits for bone health. The Japanese officially recommend vitamin K2 supplementation for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Vitamin K2 plays an essential role in bone metabolism and studies suggest that it can help prevent osteoporosis and fractures.
Researchers have also speculated that Vitamin K2 may affect dental health. However, no human studies have tested this directly. Based on animal studies and the role vitamin K2 has in bone metabolism, it is reasonable to assume that it impacts dental health too. One of the main regulating proteins in dental health is osteocalcin, the same protein that is critical to bone metabolism and is activated by vitamin K2. Osteocalcin triggers a mechanism that stimulates growth of new dentin, which is the calcified tissue underneath the enamel on your teeth. Vitamin A and D are also believed to play an important role here, working synergistically with vitamin K2.
Cancer is a common cause of death in Western countries. Even though modern medicine has found many ways to treat it, new cancer cases are still on the rise. Therefore, finding effective prevention strategies is of utmost importance. Several studies have been done on Vitamin K2 and certain types of cancer. One clinical trial ****** suggested that vitamin K2 reduces recurrence of liver cancer and increases survival times. An observational study on 11,000 men also found that a high vitamin K2 intake was linked to a 63% lower risk of advanced prostate cancer.
Edited from the article "Vitamin K2: Everything You Need to Know" by Joe Leech (MS - Master’s Degree in Nutrition & Dietetics), June 4, 2017

Vitamin K2 has a broad range of application in the prevention and reversal of many health conditions including...
- Helps Prevent Osteoporosis and Improves Bone Health
- Helps Prevent Heart Disease
- Makes Teeth Stronger
- Decreases Inflammation
- May Help Autoimmune Conditions
- Boosts Mitochondrial Function
- May Help Some Cancers
- Helps the Brain
- Lowers the Risk of Dying From All Causes
- Lowers Insulin Resistance
- May Prevent Some of the Negative Effects of Statins
- May Prevent Some of the Negative Effects of Vegetable Oils
Research has found that Vitamin K2 can help with the resolution of many diseases and health conditions.
For nutrition to be properly utilised and for health to improve the important factor of chi or life-energy needs to be addressed. The three aspects of this are (1) Constitutionally low chi (2) Low chi caused by a underground body of water below the home or workplace that effects the persons in those buildings. This is surprisingly common for persons with chronic health disorders. (3) Disturbed Chi due to electromagnetic stress. To help overcome these issues you can use a Room Charger and / or an Chi-Life Energy Pendant.
For details click here
The remedies mentioned above will often be enough to help overcome specific health problems, eliminating the need for any 'specific' remedies to match a named condition. It is however important that you read the information concerning applicable health conditions so that you can simply apply this knowledge in remedy selection, prioritization and alternation if need be.
Why is my therapy not working?
Removal of Blocks to Health, Healing and Wellness
We have defined the major blocks to health improvement which should be considered the number one priority for resolution before one goes on to a more specific healing regimen such as that detailed in the health condition articles. By removing these blocks one will feel stronger and more prepared for a specific programme and will achieve far greater success with it. Please read this essential article here
Low Metabolic Energy
If the remedies of choice are not working for you, then there could be an underlying hormonal balance issue preventing your health improvement; a fundamental problem that needs resolution before you can progress further. This is the matter of Low Metabolic Energy. Please look at the summary chart below, is any of this familiar? if so, please view our excellent resource to determine the extent to which an individuals health issues may relate to adrenal problems, thyroid problems or a combination of both. Please click here to view the article.
Symptoms of Low Metabolic Energy
General |
Low body temperature. Coldness. Low Energy or Fatigue. Weight problems (can't lose or gain it). Slow healing . |
Brain |
Depression. Anxiety. Poor memory, focus, or concentration. Sleep disorders. |
Immune system |
Under-Reactiveor Over-Reactive: Frequent infections (skin, sinus, bladder, bowel, yeast problems, etc.). Allergies. Auto-immune disease. |
Musculoskeletal |
Fatigue. Fibromyalgia (muscle or joint pains). Generalized aches/pains. Repetitive use injury and carpal tunnel syndrome. Weak connective tissues (ligaments, bones, etc). Headaches. |
Sexual |
Loss of Libido and function. Menstrual disorders. Infertility. |
Vascular |
Low blood pressure. High blood pressure. Raynaud’s disease. |
Bowels |
Constipation. Gas or bloating. Digestive disorders, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) |
Nervous system |
Numbness of hands and/or feet (usually symmetrical). Dulling or loss of senses such as vision, taste or smell. |
Skin |
Dry. Acne. Pallor in light skin, darkening or dark patches in dark skin. |
Hair |
Hair loss, brittle, coarse, dry or oily. |